Collection: Lights and Heaters
At Aquarium Co-Op, we are strong believers of using live aquatic plants to create a balanced ecosystem in your fish tank. While your aquarium hood light may be suitable for viewing fish, we recommend getting LED lighting for aquarium plants for healthier growth in the long term. Over the years, we have tested many types of planted tank light brands, and we curated a collection of only the best light for planted aquarium setups in terms of quality, reliability, and cost effectiveness. Yes, planted aquarium lighting tends to be pricier than your typical aquarium light, but they are finely tuned to the exact light spectrum and brightness that plants require for photosynthesis. An LED aquarium light is specially designed so that your aquatic plants have robust growth and vibrant colors. To decrease algae growth, use an aquarium light timer to ensure your plants consistently get the right amount of planted tank light each day. Read on our article on how to pick the best planted aquarium light for your setup.