This half dome cave is the perfect size shelter for shrimp to evade fish and to feel safe. They enjoy crawling in and out of the holes, and it provides an excellent place for them to breed so the baby shrimp don't get eaten by larger species.
Perfect Size for Dwarf Shrimp
Neocaridina cherry shrimp, Caridina crystal shrimp, and other types of dwarf shrimp love shelters like these that have small enough holes to prevent larger predators from following them. Use super glue gel to attach java moss, anubias, bucephalandra, and ferns onto the cave to create even more cover.
Nice Hiding Spot
Kuhli loaches, baby fish, and nano fish have been known to seek shelter in these shrimp caves. Just make sure the animals are small or flexible enough that they won't get stuck inside.
I bought the cave and the moss. I covered the cave using the super glue gel and my shrimp are loving it.
Michael C. (Hollywood, FL, US)
Aquarium Co-Op Shrimp Cave
Kristin S. (Apex, NC, US)
Awesome Shrimp Cave!
My little neocardinia / cherry shrimp love this cave. I have a small shrimp tank that I added this to, and they are in and around it all the time. I was happy that it was not too big, it is the perfect size for both my shrimp and my tank.
jezza (Milwaukee, WI, US)
smaller than expected!
hard to see scale in photos(at least it was for me) so just know that before hand. plenty big for the shrimp though and left more room for other stuff in my tank. good easy little cave to get for your tank. no bottom so dont need to worry about stuff getting stuck in there either
JDC (Methuen, MA, US)
If you need
. If you need something to get into free shipping go for it. Nice made of something I assume to be tank safe. The shrimp swim past it, through it doing their shrimpy thing I do use it as a cage over the food dish so my tank pigs don’t get at too quickly. Does the trick. The older shrimp seem to like it better.