Java fern 'Windelov' or Java fern lace is as easy to grow as normal Java fern - it thrives even under low light and is not very demanding. What makes it unique are its lacy leaves, which branch off at the tips. Robust "Windelov" Java fern plants can often survive in goldfish and African cichlid tanks because of their tougher leaves.
We Include Heat Packs and Liners Free of Charge
We have a custom-developed algorithm to include heat packs and insulating plant liners as needed, based on the weather forecast from our warehouse to your shipping address. This helps keep plants at stable temperatures, both in hot and cold weather. Other vendors typically charge you at checkout for a heat pack. We include them when needed free of charge because it's our job to deliver our plants to your door healthy.
Hardy Plant with Easy Care
One of the most popular, beginner-friendly plants is java fern. Its tough leaves can survive goldfish, African cichlid, and even mildly brackish tanks. Just add water, low light, and some Easy Green all-in-one fertilizer to keep it happy. As it gets larger and grows baby plantlets from its leaves, you may need to supplement with Easy Potassium to keep it well-fed.
How We Grow and Store Our Plants
We store all of our plants in aquariums with plenty of light and fertilizer to start converting their leaves. This picture is from our warehouse. Not all vendors store their plants in water; many store them out of water in bags straight from the farms. This is more time without light and doesn't give them a head start in growing underwater leaves.
Attach to Rock or Wood
For a natural look, java ferns can be attached to rock or driftwood with super glue gel. Simply draw a small line of glue on the hardscape, and firmly press the roots of the fern in place for 30 seconds or until set.
Easy Planter
This natural, rock-like decoration is perfect for the lazy fishkeeper. Just drop the entire java fern with its pot into the center hole of the Easy Planter, and place it in your aquarium. Works great with bare bottom tanks or fish that like to dig.
Plant was beautiful and healthy. Great addition to my tank.
Uri (Louisville, KY, US)
I was surprised and nervous about the size and health. But I was blown away from the fact that they came in so green and big. Definitely can’t recommend this enough!
Nice size with good green leaves
DeEtta L. (Pottstown, PA, US)
Hiding Spaces
I like this plant, the variations in the leaves and stems will give plenty of hiding spaces for smaller fishes.
Jean D. (St Louis, MO, US)
Beautiful Plant
The plants were delivered on time and in great shape.
Sophie (Queen Creek, AZ, US)
Easy care & propagation
I LOVE this Java fern. It has a unique appearance and adds some texture to my tank. It’s really low maintenance and propagates easily. When it first started propagating, I thought it was dying because little pieces started flying around, but they were actually baby Java ferns! The babies have attached to my sponge filter, other plants, wood, etc.. When I notice loose babies now I put them in teeny tiny terracotta pots at the bottom of my tank. They thrive in the pots. Other than that, I basically leave them alone. I use liquid Easy Green now, but they were doing well before I started buying fertilizers too.
Ray M. (Manchester, KY, US)
More Than Expected in Both Quality and Quantity!
Ordered two of these and both pots came with two each, for a total of four plants! It wasn't an attempt to pawn off a pair of smaller weaker plants either because both were large healthy plants in their own right.
I was super impressed with the attention to detail and level of care; especially with the multiple layers of packaging. Each plant was in a rockwool pot, that was in its own moist fiber\cloth sleeve, that was inside of a water tight ziptop bag with a clear label of what was inside. All the plants were inside an insulated zip top bubble bag that was mindfully placed on top of my other heavier items. The heat pouch definitely saved my plants from the below freezing temperatures. They were a little cold, but all but one (a red dwarf lily bulb) arrived in excellent condition!
I was also impressed with the turnaround time for the order, and how quickly my order arrived. I ordered on a Monday and they had it ready to ship the same day. The carrier picked up the package on Tuesday and I had it on my doorstep Wednesday morning.
stormy (Jacksonville, FL, US)
the plants arrived healthy and beautiful!
Trudy (Irving, TX, US)
Arrived safe and healthy
Love Aquarium co-op keep up the great work
Gerri C. (Marshall, MN, US)
Love this fern!
I have love this since I first saw a picture and review of it. I have 3 big plants and many "babies from them". I just trimmed for first time. Had to be careful. My guppy fry live hiding in it!