
Easy Community Floating Pellets

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  • Bite size pellet for community fish
  • Extremely long floating time
  • High protein formula with krill and anchovy

After testing many, many different formulas for fish food pellets, our community fish unanimously love this high-protein, floating pellet. Every time we feed it to our livebearers, goldfish, bettas, barbs, and midsized tetras, they excitedly swarm to the top of the tank like a pack of mini piranhas. The pellets stay afloat at the water surface for an extended long time and are the perfect size for 1.5-4 inch fish.


Extended Hang Time

Perfect for Community Fish


Whole Anchovy Meal, Whole Krill Meal and Whole Shrimp Meal

Higher Protein Means Faster Growth and Colors


Customer Reviews

Based on 67 reviews
Cristopher H. (Oregon, OH, US)
Easy community floating pellets

I find the food is the perfect food for a wide variety of fish as you can see from my video. The pellets has imo the perfect buoyancy.

Eric S. (Uniontown, OH, US)
The whole tank loves it!

My community consists of a Powder Blue Dwarf Gourami, Rummy Nose Tetras, Serpae Tetras, Gold Barbs, YoYo Loach, Siamese algae eater, some Panda Cory's, and a Bristle Nose Pleco. Everything loves this stuff.

Suzanne (Jamestown, NY, US)
He likes it!

These are the perfect size for my zebra danios & white cloud mountain minnows- but better yet, my betta loves them! And he is a very picky eater!

Dave E.
Amazing food

This is the best food, it hovers in the water column from top to bottom. Very easy to tell if you have over fed.

Mike H. (Auburn Hills, MI, US)
Great Fish Food!

I have been feeding this food for a couple of weeks now and my fish really enjoy it. It stays floating for an amazing amount of time. I tested it on a empty tank and I still had a couple of pellets floating that were still floating the next day (12 hours later). Amazing food for you medium sized fish. Highly recommend! YouTube video placeholder
Ben (Ogden, UT, US)
Apistos Like It

#1 thing to know about this food is the smell is like 1/4 the smell of the magic small fish feed. So when you open the container, your wife isn't gonna ask what died, and your dogs aren't gonna be harassing you for a taste.

It seems like my fish really like this pellet, especially my apisto macmasteri. They like feeding from the surface, and about 95% of these will stay floating/float back up if they get pushed down. The other 5% will slowly sink and then stick to whatever it hits for the most part.

I'll probably be buying this for my community tank, and my apisto pair when they're not breeding. Definitely seems like the fish really like it.

As a side note, sometimes it looks like 20% sink and don't float back up, and sometimes there are only a few pellets that'll sink. Not sure if it's luck of the draw, or currents or what. I'm sure I'll notice a pattern once I feed it more, but sometimes I'm surprised at how many sink. YouTube video placeholder
Andrew E. (Los Angeles, CA, US)
I wrote a previous review and wanted to put in a video of African Cichlids eating this food.

Neolamprologus Brichardi and a Julii - pretty happy!

Corey S. (Troy, MO, US)
Incredibly Fun to Feed!

What an awesome food! It’s a great size—auto feeder friendly, fry and large fish alike go nuts for it. Shrimp and snails carry it around munching on it. It’s so much fun watching for 5 minutes or so after a feed. Everyone comes out to munch! I highly recommend giving it a try!

JIMMY (Baltimore, MD, US)
Easy community floating pellets

This small size community pellet is fantastic!! Even my picky eaters kill it! Perfect for the small mouths, white cloud mountain minnows etc.. even my 5 inch yo-yo loach was coming up from the depths to devour it. So glad I ordered it, was frustrated trying to find a food that would satisfy the community. The best slow sinking also , gives every fish on top a chance before sinking. Fast delivery , packaged well. THANKS!!

Val B. (Petersburg, ND, US)

My neon tetras and female betta love these!