I bought two of these nets, and one of them caught on the mouths of my Otos pretty badly. I had to cut the net, and even then it was very difficult to free the Otos. I had to cut very close to one of their mouths to free him, and of course he was flopping around also. I was afraid he might die.
This net seems to be the most coarse, with the widest holes in it, of any I’ve used for this size of fish. Because of that, it can snag on parts of some fish, like the Oto’s mouth, much more easily. I have kept the nets as a backup just in case I need them for larger fish (despite the hole I cut to free the Oto, larger fish won’t get through), but I rarely use either of them because I’m too concerned about snagging parts of fish. My go-to nets are less porous and have softer, finer mesh since they won’t snag on fish so easily.
I love many coop products, in particular Easy Green and the plant lights, but I would prefer to see this net redesigned. The carbon fiber handle is great (that part is better than any other net), but the mesh is where the action is, and it’s a hazard. It needs a fine mesh option to go with the good handle.