Many aquarium plants will float if uprooted, but plant weights to help make sure your plants stay where you want them. These are aquarium safe, easily bend to fit where you want them and can even be cut down if working with small plants. They will not rust and are completely reusable and recyclable.
No More Floating Plants
One of the all-too-common problems with new stem plants is that they often come with no roots and won't stay planted in the substrate. Not to worry — just wrap one of these plant weights at the base of the plant, approximately 1 inch from the bottom. Then bury the plant weight into the ground and the plant will stay in place.
Safe for Fish, Shrimp, and Snails
While the plant weights do contain lead to remain soft and malleable, none of the aquatic animals we've kept them with have ever been affected. In our decades-long experience, plant weights are completely safe for fish, invertebrates, and more.
These weights are great!!
I use them for all kind of projects
Rob (San Diego, CA, US)
Life Saver
These little guys are awesome to sink plants that are stubborn and don't want to stay attached to rocks or driftwood and can't be buried in the substrate. Shipping was great and arrival time was great.
Awesome product
Before I got these weights I use to put my plants in the substrate just to have my plants floating around in a day or two but now my plants stay put would Def recommend
Jay B. (Silver Spring, MD, US)
Ideal for any Beginner Plant
Aquarium Co-Op plant weights are the ideal length for easy customization for any beginner plant. Whether a stubborn Tiger Lotus bulb that won’t stay down to a Java Fern that I need to stash in the corner until I figure out the preferred setup, these plant weights are perfect for any novice aquascaper.