Cryptocoryne crispatula var. balansae is from the limestone mountains of Southern Thailand, where the water can be very hard. It is not very demanding, but appreciates a nutritious substrate and good light. The leaves, which can be either entirely green or a maroon color, grow from 7" to 23" long, and the single rosette plant can grow about 6" wide.
100% Free of Pests
Tissue culture plants are "lab-grown" at the farms by taking a tissue sample from an existing plant and growing it in a sterile nutrient medium. While tissue culture plants tend to be smaller and more expensive than potted plants, they are 100% free of snails, algae, and duckweed.
We Include Heat Packs and Liners Free of Charge
We have a custom-developed algorithm to include heat packs and insulating plant liners as needed, based on the weather forecast from our warehouse to your shipping address. This helps keep plants at stable temperatures, both in hot and cold weather. Other vendors typically charge you at checkout for a heat pack. We include them when needed free of charge because it's our job to deliver our plants to your door healthy.