
Hikari Sinking Wafers

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  • Easy for Fish to Digest
  • Perfect Size for Community Tanks
  • Will Not Dissolve Nor Cloud Water

Hikari Sinking Wafers were developed specifically for corydoras catfish, loaches and other bottom dwellers. They contain high levels of proteins and vegetables supplemented with plenty of vitamins and minerals for a strong immune system and a healthy life. Blended with flavorful ingredients, this food is sure to attract even the picky eaters in your tank. The wafer becomes soft in water for easy feeding, but will not dissolve.

Customer Reviews

Based on 157 reviews
Nistons2004 (Detroit, MI, US)
Not just for the bottom feeders.

All of my fish love these wafers. I have to make sure I put extra in for my slow/shy guys. Great price on the coop too

Adria D. (Ashburn, VA, US)
Corydora favorite!

Granted, my bronze, pygmaeus, and paleatus corydoras aren't exactly picky eaters, but they LOVE these! They're small enough to allow me to feed all over the tank, but large enough to stay on top of the gravel. They don't break down too quickly and don't cloud the water. My ramshorn and MTS snails are good at cleaning up the "leftovers" as well.

s.s. (Martinsburg, WV, US)

My shrimp plecos and hillstreams really like these, they dont fall apart too fast in the water either.

H.B. (Mount Pleasant, UT, US)

I like how they are small and sink fast, my snails, Cory Catfish and goldfish love these wafers.

David v.
Worst bottom feeder food

I have 5 forty Gallon tanks. Two tanks have several bottom feeders. Kulhi loaches, cory catfish and hillstream loaches. They won't eat this junk. They taste it and then ignore it. They love Hykari Vibra bites. This stuff swells up after 20 minutes and pollutes the tank. I've seen good reviews for these but I can't get anything to touch it.

Tatt2_Mike (Pittsburgh, PA, US)
Hikari 2nd Place

I prefer using Xtreme bottom wafers. My bristlenose plecos and clown loaches go nuts over these. My Cory's seem to favor Xtreme.

Manny T. (Algonquin, IL, US)
Great for Bottom feeders!

My Corys and Bristlenose plecos love these! Was surprised to see my Senegal Bichir just scoop entire tabs and eat them too!

Deborah R. (Montclair, CA, US)
Fish favorite

My endler fish love this food.
Delivery was fast .
I love all of Aquarium Coops items. I will continue ordering from them.

Tim R. (Lone Oak, TX, US)

Cory and pleco enjo

Nav V. (Bellevue, WA, US)
Great wafer

Smaller than expected but it allows more fish to get at food without any conflict.