In our three livestock deliveries his week the Aquarium Co-Op retail store in Edmonds got in some manager favorites including some Magenta Mystery Snails (locally bred), African Dwarf Frogs, Kribensis (locally bred), an Elephant Nose, and some Celestial Pearl Danios. For plants this week, our Water Wisteria, Pearl Weed, and...
This week is an exciting week for the Aquarium Co-Op Retail Store! In addition to our usual deliveries, we received some rare livebearers from Cory including Trout Goodeids, Limia Perugie, Redtail Goodeids (Xenotaca Eiseni), Yellow Knife Livebearers (Alfaro Cultratus), and Nezze Swordtails (Xiphophorus Nezahualcoyotl)!ย We also received some great looking...
At Aquarium Co-Op this week we got in some great looking fish in our deliveries! New centerpiece fish options include Blue Paradise Fish, Scarlet Badis, Chocolate Gouramis, and Medium Assorted Angelfish, whileย Odessa Barbs and Gold White Clouds make for great schooling additions to your tank. Our Small Fancy Goldfish are...
This week the Aquarium Co-Op retail store in Edmonds, WA got in some interesting fish as well as some favorites that we haven't been able to get in a while. These include some (tiny and ultra cute) Rope Fish, Giant Danios, Furcata Rainbowfish, Green Laser Cories, White Cheek Gobies (my...
From our wholesalers and local breeders this week at the Aquarium Co-Op retail store we got in some beautifully colored fish including Peacock Gudgeons, Electric Blue Acara, Cherry Barbs,and Green Neon Tetras. We also got some work horse cleaners like Baby Bristlenose Plecos and Clown Plecos. For my favorite plants...
In the Aquarium Co-Op retail store this week we got in a few oddball fish you may never have seen before including the Red-Lip Goby, Orange Hatchet Danio, and the cool electric mormyrid, Doral-Banded Whale. We also got in some large breeder Super Red Bristlenose Plecos as well as lots...
This week at Aquarium Co-Op's retail store we got in some beautiful Small Assorted Discus, Dwarf Neon Rainbowfish, Magenta/Purple Mystery Snails, and Pea Puffers!ย As far as plants this week, the Pogo. Octopus and Dwarf Sagittaria that we have in our Easy Planters are looking especially full and nice! Also,...
This week in the Aquarium Co-Op retail store in Edmonds, WA we got in some beautiful Annie's Gobies, Amazon Pufferfish, Rainbow Sharks, Sterbai Cories, Von Rio Flame Tetras, and Columbian Red & Blue Tetras. We also started bringing in Japanese Trapdoor Snails as the pond and tubbing season slowly starts!...
In our fish deliveries for this week, the retail store got in some super cool uncommon pufferfish along with fresh batches of our community tank favorites! We also got some large restock orders of our hardscape and lowered the prices on our aquascaping rocks! This week at the store, Tuesday-Thursday...
This week in our fish deliveries the retail store got in some awesome oddball large predatory fish like the Red Wolf Fish and Jardinii Arowana as well as some of our staple community favorites likeย Discus, Marble Hatchet Fish, Red Eye Monk Tetras, and Panda Corydoras.ย For plants this week, the...
The Aquarium Co-Op retail store in Edmonds, WA got in some of our favorite fish this week! These fish include some community tank favorites like the Costae Tetras,ย Celestial Pearl Danios, Cherry Shrimp, and Apisto. Macmasteri "Red Neck." as well as aย super cute small Albino Senegal Bichir perfect for medium-larger tanks.ย ...
This week the Aquarium Co-Op retail store got in some awesome new fish in our orders!ย My favorite highlights include some locally bred Electric Blue Rams, Rope Fish, Giant Blue Wood Shrimp, Chili Rasboras, Gold Ring Danios, and an assortment of Male Bettas! In our plant orders this week we got...