Questions & Answers

Terri Estes | Human Resources Manager

Questions & Answers

What is your favorite thing about working at Aquarium Co-Op?
Aquarium Co-Op stands out to me because of its emphasis on collaboration and respect. The team members work together, utilizing their individual strengths and perspectives to create an inclusive and supportive environment.

What is your career background?
I hold a bachelor's degree in criminal justice and human services with a focus on community-based intervention. Over the course of my career, I have gained extensive expertise in Human Resources and management, having worked in industries such as construction, non-profit organizations, and federal subcontractors. While my expertise lies in employee relations, I possess a diverse skillset that encompasses areas such as benefits, ADA, FMLA, Workers Comp, conflict resolution, problem solving, labor law, and interpersonal communication.

What has been your best moment while working for Aquarium Co-Op?
Collaborating with fellow team members during the warehouse move to Kentucky has been an incredibly enjoyable experience. It has provided me with a unique chance to gain firsthand insight into the various roles and responsibilities within the company. This opportunity has greatly enhanced my understanding of the daily routines of my colleagues.

What do you do in your daily job at Aquarium Co-Op?
My role involves the coordination, planning, and supervision of employee-related internal processes. This encompasses managing health benefits, retirement plans, and various employee incentives. Additionally, I handle onboarding, training implementation, payroll processing, and ensuring compliance with federal, state, county, and city regulations. Of course, there are other facets to the position, but my overall goal is to be a resource for all.

What's it like working for a company in the pet fish industry?
Working at an aquarium company has been an incredible unique experience for me. I used to believe fish could take care of themselves if you just fed them, but now I’ve gained knowledge about fish that I never knew before. I recently learned that fish have unique behaviors to their species and that their personalities can often lead to what I refer to as “little cliques.”

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Terri Estes | Human Resources Manager