Potassium is an important macronutrient used by plants transport and synthesize nutrients. Find out how much potassium is needed in your planted aquarium.
PAR is the amount of light that is available for plants to grow. Learn how much PAR your plants need and how to choose the right light for your aquarium.
Certain fish are perfect for planted tanks because of their natural beauty or unique behaviors. Find out which plant-friendly species made it to our top 10 list.
Too much or too little light in a planted aquarium can cause algae growth. Learn how to fine-tune the lighting for your specific tank and plant selection.
Not sure which aquarium fertilizer to use? Learn about the Easy Fertilizer line that makes growing planted tanks easy and fun for both beginners and veterans.
Starting a high tech planted tank can be a little intimidating, so follow our step-by-step beginner’s guide to set up your first pressurized CO2 system.
Bucephalandra are beautiful plants from Borneo that have an iridescent sheen to their leaves. Learn about their easy care requirements and how to keep them algae-free.
Did you know that many aquarium plants can also be grown above the water’s surface? Find out about our top 5 picks for your next humid terrarium or paludarium.