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  1. Care Guide for Habrosus Corydoras — The Largest Dwarf Cory Catfish Cory catfish are one of our favorite bottom dwellers because of their easy-going personalities, constant scavenging, and silly antics. With more than 150 Corydoras species to choose from, the salt and pepper cory is one of our best-selling fish at Aquarium Co-Op. Find out why these nano bottom dwellers are so popular and how to provide them with a comfortable environment to thrive in. Salt and pepper cory in a planted tank What are Habrosus Corydoras? Corydoras habrosus is the largest of the...
  2. Care Guide for Assassin Snails — Natural Way to Get Rid of Pest Snails If you have a freshwater aquarium that is infested with bladder snails, ramshorn snails, or Malaysian trumpet snails (MTS), it may seem impossible to get rid of them. It’s hard to root out every single egg or baby snail hiding amongst the plants and substrate, and chemical pesticides can often have a negative impact on the other living creatures in your fish tank. Luckily, there is a little helper you can employ that will happily sniff out any pest snails — the amazing assassin snail. Learn h...
  3. What are the Different Types of Betta Fish? When shopping for your first betta fish at the pet store, it can be a little confusing trying to make heads or tails of all the different types. While they are all technically considered to be Betta splendens, these beautiful creatures have been selectively bred and hybridized with other Betta species over many, many generations to create the vast number of varieties we see today. The International Betta Congress (IBC) is a worldwide organization that holds betta fish shows on six continents,...
  4. 5 Best Fish Tank Ideas for Small Aquariums Small fish tanks between 5–20 gallons are some of the most popular sizes in the freshwater aquarium hobby because of their reduced footprint and cheaper cost. Even with the size limitation, there are countless possibilities when it comes to choosing the species, layout, and purpose of the fish tank. To help get your creative juices flowing, here are 5 stocking ideas that might be perfect for your next nano fish tank. 1. Nano Aquascape Simple aquascape with center island of plants surrounded ...
  5. Why Do Aquarium Plants Melt? 7 Reasons for Dying, Melting Leaves If you add a new aquarium plant to your tank, it may look great for a couple weeks, but then it starts losing some leaves or just looks like it’s dying back in general. Don’t give up! It is common for aquarium plants to change and adapt when they experience a disruption in growing conditions. Learn about 7 reasons why this may happen and what you can do to give your plants the best chance to grow to their fullest potential. 1. You just got a brand-new plant from the store or online and added ...
  6. Top 5 Underrated Aquarium Fish for Your Next Community Tank With so many aquarium fish available in the fish store, many species are commonly sold but end up going unnoticed by hobbyists. Sometimes they are looked down upon as “beginner fish” that aren’t as rare or unique enough. Other times, they may have once been all the rage but then fell out of favor for more newly discovered species. Most of these animals are pretty hardy and not hard to find, so take a look at our top 5 underappreciated fish that you should consider trying in your next aquarium...
  7. How to Treat Hole-in-the-Head Disease in Aquarium Fish Hole-in-the-head (HITH) disease is known by many names — such as hole-in-head, lateral line disease, and head and lateral line erosion (HLLE). None of these are official disease names, but rather, they are descriptors of a visual symptom. In general, they describe any ailment that causes holes, pits, or lesions around a fish’s head, face, and/or lateral line (i.e., the horizontal line of pores running down the side of a fish’s body that is used to sense pressure and movement in the water). In...
  8. Care Guide for Red and Black Phantom Tetras — Housing, Food, & More When it comes to choosing the perfect schooling fish, there are so many options available at the local fish store. At Aquarium Co-Op, both black and red phantom tetras are very popular because of their striking appearance, energetic yet peaceful personalities, and hardiness. Learn about their easy care requirements when it comes to the aquarium setup, tank mates, preferred foods, and breeding. School of red phantom tetras in a planted tank What are Black and Red Phantom Tetras? While these t...
  9. Everything You Need to Know About Tissue Culture Aquarium Plants Are you curious about tissue culture plants and what their benefits and drawbacks might be? Let’s talk about the process of how tissue culture plants are produced and whether or not they are the right choice for your next planted aquarium. What are Tissue Culture Plants? The term “tissue culture” (sometimes called “in vitro” or “lab-grown”) sounds a little intimidating and scientific, but it is not too complicated once you break it down. In order to create a tissue culture plant, the facility...
  10. Top 5 Aquarium Fish That Love Soft Water Most beginners in the fishkeeping hobby are not aware that not all fish can live in their tap water. Some species are quite sensitive and will only thrive if the pH and GH (or general hardness) of the aquarium match their native habitats. Try measuring the pH and GH levels in your tap water using a multi-test strip. If you have a GH number that is 4 degrees (75 ppm) or lower, then your water contains fewer minerals (e.g., calcium and magnesium) than normal. Rather than fight your naturally so...
  11. How to Share 1 Air Pump with Multiple Aquariums As you may know, we are big proponents of using sponge filters in all of our aquariums, but what happens if you have multiple tanks running sponge filters? Is there any way to save money (and improve cable management) by only using one air pump to run all the filtration? It depends on how many tanks need air and how strong your air pump is, so here are some different configurations to try: 2 tanks next to each other can share a dual-outlet air pump. If you only have a single-outlet air pump,...
  12. How to Breed and Raise Egg-Scattering Fish in Your Aquarium Breeding aquarium fish is a huge passion of ours, but the difficulty level can really vary depending on their method of reproduction. Some species are easy to procreate because the parents fiercely defend their offspring from would-be predators or the adults give birth to live young that can immediately flee. Other species like rainbowfish and killifish are willing to lay eggs in spawning mops, which are easy to remove and save from being eaten. However, one of the hardest types to breed are ...
  13. Top 10 Rasboras for Your Next Community Aquarium Looking for the perfect schooling fish? Most people tend to think of tetras and danios, but don’t forget about the breathtaking world of rasboras. They look similar with their torpedo-shaped bodies and peaceful personalities, but most species are found in Southeast Asia and come in a wide array of unique colors and patterns. The common name “rasbora” actually refers to several genera of fish, including Rasbora, Boraras, Trigonostigma, Microdevario, and many more. Let’s talk about 10 different...
  14. Care Guide for Amano Shrimp — Nature’s Amazing Algae Eater Algae can become a natural problem in any aquarium. If you have the wrong amount of light and nutrients, this unsightly issue can quickly take over in no time. While there are many methods for getting algae under control, having an algae eater in the tank is one of the easiest, safest, and most efficient approaches. The father of modern aquascaping, Takashi Amano, was fond of using an army of these little Japanese shrimp to keep his planted tanks nice and clean, which is why they are now know...
  15. Care Guide for Zebra and Leopard Danios – Energetic Little Speedsters Besides betta fish and guppies, one of the most popular beginner fish in the freshwater aquarium hobby is the zebra danio. They’re known for their eye-popping stripes, cheap cost, and adaptability to a wide range of water parameters. Plus, they are commonly used in science experiments (e.g., genetics, environmental studies, and medical research) because of their relative ease of breeding. Find out why this speedy schooling fish is so fun to keep and how to care for them in your home aquarium....
  16. Top 5 Oddball Fish for a 40-Gallon Aquarium If you’re looking for something rare or unusual, oddball species are a great way to spice up your fish tank. Specifically, the 40-gallon breeder aquarium is very versatile and really opens up the world to medium-sized animals. Learn about 5 fantastical aquatic pets that are sure to make you stop and stare. 1. Humphead Glassfish Parambassis pulcinella The humphead glassfish is a bizarre sight to behold. Imagine a 3- to 4-inch (8–10 cm) schooling fish with big, googly eyes and a translucent nu...